Valentinus Mahendra Aaron Quendangen

Biomedical Engineering


Personal Project

Sometimes I try to make something in my spare time. Sometimes useful things and sometimes useless things. Although sometimes the things I make are not perfect but this can add to my experience of trial and error

  • EMG-ECG Module for Microcontroller

    I try making an EMG-ECG module for a microcontroller like Arduino or ESP. The module consists of instrument amplifier using AD620 IC and some basic bandpass filters with an inverting amplifier using Op-amp IC. After some adjustment in the gain, the module can detect muscle movement in the forearm flexor muscle and heartbeat, with only 3 connections to the microcontroller (2 for the supply and 1 for the output). GitHub


  • Virtual Mouse-Keyboard

    I'm making virtual mouse and keyboard using camera as the input. The camera detect the location of my hand and map it with the width and height of the monitor then move the cursor to certain location, work the same with the keyboard. I'm satisfied with the result, although it's not perfect, and still open to further development. GitHub


  • Bioimpedance measure using Microcontroller

    A tool for measuring a person's bioimpedance, using a microcontroller as a signal processor and reader for measurement results, and displaying them. The tool made consists of a signal generator which uses a Wien bridge oscillator circuit and AD9833 Module to produce a sine signal, then VCCS to convert the voltage input into a current source so that it is safe when it enters the body, then the signal read using an instrument amplifier as an amplifier for easy reading, and converted into a DC signal to be read by the microcontroller. The results of the tool can read the impedance value both on the resistor and on the human body. GitHub


  • Hand angle estimation using bioimpedance

    Using a previous project, the bioimpedance of a human hand can be used to estimate the angle at the human elbow, which can be used to move a robotic hand GitHub

    Bioimpedance Bioimpedance

  • Low-Cost Electrical Impedance Tomography with Microcontroller

    Making Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) using a Microcontroller, namely ESP32-S2 with MicroPython. This tool consists of a microcontroller which functions to control the electrode output, regulate the signal frequency, and obtain data. Then the data will be processed using the Python program with the PyEIT library to reconstruct the resulting data into a 2D image. This EIT can be used on several types of electrodes with a maximum of 16 electrodes. GitHub


  • Smart trash bin

    In this project I created an IoT trash can that can automatically open when there is a hand in front of the trash can, or when there is a knock/push. So users don't need to touch the trash can, thereby reducing the possibility of spreading germs or disease through the trash can. This trash can also has a sensor to find out whether the contents of the trash can are full or not, and can be seen via the blink application because this trash can is also connected to the internet. GitHub

    Smart Trash Bin Smart Trash Bin

  • My other projects
    My GitHub

    Undergraduate Thesis

    During my studies in Biomedical Engineering major at Airlangga University, I specialized in the Medical Instrumentation field and conducted a research thesis titled "Design of Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) To Detect Breast Cancer Using Analog Discovery Module". This project involved both hardware and software. For the hardware consists of some basic circuitry including filter, multi/demultiplexer, vccs and instrument amplifier, and for the controller using Analog Discovery 2. The software consists of Analog Discovery programing (JavaScript) and EIDORS (Matlab) for the image reconstruction.



  • FORMAT (Faculty Press Organization)
    Layouter and Designer
  • BKK (Faculty Catholic Organization)
    2019-2020 | MEDINFO (Media and Information)
    2020-2021 |Head of Human Resources Development
  • Achievement

  • Best team work at Sebelas Maret International IoT Challange 2021
  • Silver award for iMIT SIC 2021 (4th International Malaysia-Indonesia-Thailand Symposioum on Innovation and Creativity 2021) held by UiTM Cawangan Malaysia
  • Other Experience

  • Mentor on Coding Workshop for Biomedical Engineering 2021
    March 2021 - June 2021 | Teach the basic use and how to make a simple programs using C++ and Python
  • Community service activities
    September 2022 | Training on Making IoT-Based Medical Sensors as an Introduction to Smart Medical Devices for High School/Vocational School Students in Trenggalek Regency, East Java Province "Training on the Design and Construction of Audiovisual Based Fatigue Detection Tools to Improve Work Quality and Health"
  • Speaking, Assisting, Troubleshooting
  • X-Mano (Exoskeleton Hand Robot) for Movement Therapy of Post-Stroke Patients | Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) - Matching Fund
    September 2022 - January 2023 | X-Mano (Exoskeleton Hand Robot) for Movement Therapy of Post-Stroke Patients. Part of the MBKM activities held by the Minister of Education and Culture. This project is a collaboration between IBEReality and Airlangga University to develop an exoskeleton hand to help post-stroke patients.
  • 3D Printing, AutoDesk Inventor, Microcontroller, Clinical trial, Entrepreneurship
  • Research Engineer Assistant at Neonatal Research Group FK (Faculty of Medicine) Universitas Airlangga
    August 2023 - Present | Assisting in the development of research on the Smart Phototherapy System Airlangga Bilirubin Nesting (AirBiliNest), which is a phototherapy device for jaundiced babies. Assist in assembling, reproduce and testing the prototype as well implementing the MBKM Matching Fund events related to this device. And is currently assigned as the engineer in the development of airbilinest
  • August 2023 - December 2023 | MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) - AirBiliNest Matching Fund 2023
  • December 2023 | Airlangga StartUp Summit Innovation Expo (ASSIE 2023)

  • Skills earned: Troubleshooting, Microcontroller, Design, Laser Cutting, Soldering, Communication, Testing, Demonstrating, RnD, Android Studio, 3D Printing Design
  • Info
    About Me

    Individuals who are motivated to work hard in carrying out work activities to achieve success and gain experience. Like to learning new things to gain more experience, especially by doing or helping some project or research. During my studies in Biomedical Engineering major at Airlangga University, I learned a loot, including programing (C++, Python, Matlab, JavaScript), analog and digital electronic, anatomy, physiology, and control system.